Photos © Sophie Marozeau

Espace Résonance: An Audiotactile Experience at 'Le Son des Pierres' Festival

Raphaël Ortis, Charlotte Nordin, and Jeremy Marozeau recently presented a project aimed at co-composing the sound of a space in harmony with that very space.

Every space and object has its own resonant frequencies, whether it’s a musical instrument, a speaker, a room, a courtyard, a wall, a table, or a tree. In this project, we have used the courtyard of the Château de Céreste and various objects placed within it, such as an old workbench, an olive tree, a door, stones, and chairs. These objects were equipped with powerful transducers to make them resonate, allowing their internal music to be expressed. As a result, the audience was able to commune with the space not only through sound but also tactilely, as the vibrating objects engaged all the senses: auditory, tactile, and visual.
