Dr. Jeremy Marozeau is an  Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark's Department of Health Technology, where he leads the "Music and Cochlear Implant" research group. His work primarily focuses on understanding and enhancing music perception and sound quality for individuals with cochlear implants.

He earned his Ph.D. as a member of the Perception and Musical Cognition team at the Institute for Music/Acoustic Research and Coordination (IRCAM) in Paris. Dr. Marozeau furthered his expertise in auditory research at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Marseille, where he studied the loudness of impulsive sounds. He later served as a Research Associate at Northeastern University in Boston, continuing his investigation into loudness perception.

For six years, Dr. Marozeau worked as a Senior Researcher at the Bionics Institute in Melbourne, concentrating on enhancing sound processor strategies for cochlear implants. Presently, he holds an Invited Professorship at the University of Geneva, where he explores the use of vibrations to restore music perception for hearing-impaired listeners.

Throughout his career, Dr. Marozeau has collaborated extensively with artists to create a more inclusive musical language for individuals with disabilities.

Publications: Google Scolar, DTU ORBID

DTU Lab: Music and Cochlear Implant, Hearing System
Geneva: Huber Lab

  • Modeling Music Emotion Judgment of Cochlear Implant Listeners.
    Forum Acusticum (2020)  

  • Using atonal music to understand musical experience of CI users
                Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (2020)

In French

  • Les illusions auditives: Jeanne a-t´elle entendu des voix?
    Semaine du Cerveau, Université de Genève (2023)

  • Au-delà du son : surdités et expériences musicales. “ Écouter autrement : comment des malentendants apprécient la musique”
    Philharmonie de Paris (2023)

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